GE means elder brother in Chinese, focusing on the core concept "elder brother", XU.GE providing professional management and consulting services for family businesses. The concept of "elder brother" is extremely important in traditional Chinese culture. Generally speaking, an elder brother refers to a man who has the same parents with us but is older than us, or a man who is older than us among relatives of the same generation; it can also be used as a honorific title for a man about our age. More...
Family members are usually the main shareholders and senior managers in family businesses. In the family business management, it is necessary to balance family interests and business interests, and maintain the relationship between family members. In the future, XU.GE will give full play to its influence and fair image in the family, take the long-term goal as the orientation, combine the family interests and business interests, pay attention to inheritance and stable development, pay attention to talent training and family members' participation in management, and jointly cope with the special challenges faced by the family businesses, such as family talent training, managers lacking of professional knowledge and experience, and maintaining the relationship between family members. Furthermore, it will achieve the long-term healthy and sustainable development of Xu family, business by formulating clear rules and regulations and communication mechanisms, establishing a professional management team, and planning a family talent training plan.
We are excited about…
- Getting more ambitious things done.
- Taking the long-term view.
- Investing at the scale of the opportunities and resources we see.
- Making XU.GE even better through greater focus.
- And hopefully… as a result of all this, improving the lives of as many people as we can.
We have always adhered to the principle of "family first and keeping the right direction" to help family businesses achieve sustainable and stable operation.
If you have any questions, please send mail to: support@xu.ge